You are so AWESOME; beautiful with your fair skin and long shiny hair and charming in the way you move, so lady-like and elegant.
YOU are so BEAUTIFUL and CHARMING; so beautiful and charming in fact that my gay officemate even has a crush on you.. I know right, it’s C-RA-ZY. lol
You always bring me the good news. When I was down in the dumps when I screwed up the Reuters thing, you gave me that surprise call just an hour later to ask if I was interested in going at your office to take my exam for copy editor. I lost a job opportunity but gained another one, and you were the bearer of that joy.
And when I screwed that up too, it was you who e-mailed me to ask if I was interested to come in again, this time for the research analyst exam.
Again, you brought me the GOOD NEWS when you came into the conference room after my interview with the group supervisor by giving me that little slip of paper. That slip of paper where my employment requirements are printed.
That was the time I knew I was hired. And your beautiful cat-like eyes confirmed it.
YOU are an ANGEL. I didn’t even mind it that you were sick and coughing away when you oriented me about the company policies. You are soo adorable whenever you cough into your little handkerchief and say, “Excuse me” after. You could’ve coughed right on my face and it would have been bliss for me.
Now, I want to go to the 10th floor, to your department everyday just to see you. I’ll make every excuse.
Count on it. XD
This Ghost
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