Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Ghost Anticipation

On Sunday. Woke up at about 11am and went online until I dried up our UnliSurf subscription. Lunched and bought at a convenience store the pancake mix, eggs, butter, etc. for our afternoon munch-attack. My sis, Dith did all the cooking, God bless her. Then, us three; me, Dith and Ate Jing dug into sweet, buttery, fluffy goodness ‘til we’re full. Of course, I did the dishes.
Then had a long round of texts with Rey about our blogs and stories, that kinda thing. Ate Dith had our SmartBro loaded so we could go online again. Usually, we register every Tuesday.
I watched and listened in to a bunch of sitcoms on TV while I washed the dinner dishes. I laughed along; these sitcoms are actually pretty funny. Of course, back home in Bicol where there’s cable, I wouldn’t be caught dead watching those. 
I decided to make a few cosmetic changes to my Blogger blog site, The Half-Ghost, managed my FB games, my Tumblr, Formspring, la la la. I’m hell on social networking sites this week. Slept at about 3am.
Today. Woke up at 10am, lingering over a sexy dream kiss from a stranger. I bought ulam for lunch later. Had breakfast, listened to some  music at the same time and finished all that by 11. Then I decided to work the stove, tocino-frying, yeah! I did a pretty good job of it. Hell, yeah I was happy; and not even a single cooking oil burn anywhere on me.
Showered, went online, lunched at 2pm. Watched a variety show and lingered over that dream kiss again. I listened to some feel-good music again.
3pm and I settled down to write about Day Five by hand in my trusty Blue Feather notebook. Finished at 5pm, went online again until Ate Jing arrived with dinner. Ate dinner, watched Ilumina’s first ep then online again until Dith took over the laptop.
I texted Jonalyn about something that was bothering me and we had a text-a-thon about it. Online again, writing this on Tumblr, gonna post it three minutes from now. :D
Catch ya later, I need my sleep. I want to dream about something again.

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